Speech by Senior Minister of State for Foreign Affairs and Senior Minister of State for National Development Sim Ann during the Committee of Supply Debate, 3 March 2025
Navigating global environment amidst US-China rivalry
1 Madam Chair, in Mandarin please.
2 农历新年期间,我参加了多个团拜与社团活动。在这些活动场合上,大家经常会聊到时事。今年与世界局势相关的话题特别多,其中包括中美关系、欧州各国的政局变化、乌克兰和中东战情等。
[English Translation: During the Lunar New Year period, I attended many loh-hei events. At such functions, we would usually chat about current affairs. This year, there were many topics of discussion concerning global developments, including China-US relations, political changes in Europe, and the wars in Ukraine and the Middle East.]
3 最热门的话题莫过于美国总统选举以及之后的种种动态。总体来说,当时华社朋友们对特朗普2.0的评论相对积极。我想可能是因为华社社团活跃分子以商人居多,而商人普遍认为特朗普总统比较亲商,而且,也有人欣赏他不按牌理出牌、雷厉风行的政治作风。
[English Translation: The hottest topic was the US Presidential election and subsequent developments. On the whole, the Chinese community shared fairly positive assessments of Trump 2.0. I believe this is because many active members of Chinese community groups are businesspeople, who believe the current President to be pro-business. Some also admire his unconventional political style and relentless pace of change.]
4 与我交谈的华社人士们虽然大致同意世界不太平,但也没有显得过于的焦虑。当然,大家有注意到,加征关税已经成了一种新常态。美国曾经是自由贸易的主要提倡者,但现在却通过加征关税或其他贸易屏障以达成经济或非经济的政策目的。尽管如此,因为新加坡不在加征关税的名单内,因此华社朋友们表示希望世界局势,包括贸易战,不会对新加坡造成太大的影响。
[English Translation: The Chinese community leaders I had met agreed that all was not quite well with the world, but did not display much anxiety. Of course, people did notice that the raising of tariffs has become a new normal. The US, which had long been the main advocate for freer trade has changed its stance, and now employs tariffs and non-tariff barriers in pursuit of economic and non-economic objectives. Even then, because Singapore was not a direct target of these tariffs, my friends in the Chinese community expressed hope that Singapore would not be too affected by the global situation, including possible trade wars.]
5 除此之外,我所听到的观点,还可以归纳成以下的两个愿望:一、 是“希望乌克兰战争早日结束,稳定物价”。二、是“无论如何,世界都需要一个像新加坡的地方”。这些是大约半个月前的事。随后,世界舞台连续出现更多变化,地缘政治格局看来正面临一场大洗牌。
[English Translation: There were two other hopes: First, that the war in Ukraine would end soon, leading to more stable energy and food prices globally. Second, that no matter what, the world would need a place like Singapore. These conversations took place about 2 weeks ago. Since then, more drastic changes have taken place on the world stage. Major geopolitical shifts are afoot.]
6 俄乌战争爆发后,欧美联手大力支持乌克兰,在国际上采取多种措施孤立俄罗斯。而在2月24日的联合国大会上,对于乌克兰和欧洲国家所提出点明俄罗斯是侵略者的决议文,美国却与俄罗斯一同投下反对票。紧接着,2月28日美国总统与乌克兰总统发生口角的视频传遍全球,标志着美国战略的改变,也令人质疑美国对北约盟友的态度是否依旧。就连两周前心情相对平静的朋友,现在可能也感到有些不对劲了。 那么,之前所提到的几个愿望,还有实现的可能吗?
[English Translation: Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the Europeans and Americans responded forcefully to defend Ukraine and isolate Russia. But the US joining Russia in voting against a UN resolution sponsored by Europe and Ukraine, identifying Russia as the aggressor, as well as the recent live video from the Oval Office has dramatically underlined a fundamental change in US policy and cast doubts over its commitment to its NATO allies. Even those who felt relatively unperturbed 2 weeks ago may start to feel uneasy. Are these hopes realistic?
7 我想从外交部的观点提出一些看法。第一: 世界局势对新加坡的影响。国际贸易摩擦不断升温,美国宣布对主要贸易伙伴,包括加拿大、墨西哥、中国加征关税,也引发这些国家的反击策略。国际贸易战的可能性正在不断地提高。新加坡虽然还未处于风口浪尖,但也会被波及。商品关税的加征,会重塑国际产业链、影响国际贸易格局和流量,这对新加坡这个以转口贸易为主的口岸来说,肯定会带来冲击。
[English Translation: Let me share some views from MFA’s perspective. First, the impact of global developments on Singapore. International trade tensions are escalating. The US has announced tariffs on Canada, Mexico, and China, which in turn have signalled retaliatory measures. Risks of a global trade war have increased. Singapore has not been targeted directly for now but will certainly be affected. Increased tariffs will reshape global supply chains and impact the volume and patterns of world trade. This will certainly affect Singapore, as an international port heavily dependent on transhipments.]
8 不仅如此,我国的经济模式也面临严峻的挑战。身为一个缺乏腹地、缺乏天然资源的小国,新加坡之所以可以通过高度开放的经济政策创造繁荣,很大程度依赖一套稳定的、以规则为导向的国际贸易秩序。这套国际贸易秩序所依靠的是各国之间的共识和互信,而这种共识和互信正在遭受冲击和破坏。大国之间针对高端科技的博弈便是一个明显的例子。对我国来说,寻求繁荣与发展的道路将会变得更加不易。
[English Translation: Beyond trade and tariffs, our economic model will also face serious challenges. Despite being a small country without natural resources or a hinterland, a stable rules-based international trading system has enabled Singapore to create prosperity through pursuing an open economic policy. The consensus and trust underpinning the rules-based international trading system is now fraying. A clear instance is how technology has become a focal point for strategic contestation between the big powers. This means we have to work harder to secure opportunities for prosperity and success.]
9 第二:国际战事对新加坡的启示。 过去三年,国际上两场主要战事 – 乌克兰战争和中东地区的冲突 - 造成了惨重的人员伤亡。尤其是中东战火所引发的人道主义灾难,更是牵动着不少国人的心绪。 俄乌战争对能源和食品价格造成的影响,加剧了通货膨胀,使企业成本居高不下,至今仍未平复。而中东局势也波及了红海地区安全,提高了航运成本。因此,本地华社的企业家,希望各地的战事早日平息,企业成本有所舒缓,这也是完全能够理解的。
[English Translation: Second, the implications of war and peace on Singapore. Over the past 3 years, 2 major conflicts – the war in Ukraine and the conflict in the Middle East - have seen the loss of countless lives. The conflict in the Middle East in particular has resulted in a humanitarian disaster that tugs at the heartstrings of many Singaporeans. The Russia-Ukraine war has exacerbated energy and food price hikes and caused long-term impacts on inflation and business costs. The Middle East situation, particularly developments in the Red Sea had impacted global shipping costs. It is therefore understandable that businesspeople in our Chinese community hope for these wars to end, and for business costs to moderate.]
10 奈何和平的到来似乎变得更加的遥远。近日,地缘政治格局发生重大转折,欧美之间对于俄乌战争如何停火,甚至对于全球安防共识出现了可能无法弥补的裂痕。乌克兰的处境也随之变得更加的尴尬和艰难。这些变数非但意味着动荡的国际局势暂时无法缓解,也给我们带来了深刻的启示。
[English Translation: Alas, peace seems more remote than ever before. Recent events have signified major shifts in geopolitics, with possibly unbridgeable differences emerging between the US and Europe on how to end the Ukraine war, and indeed, the global security architecture. Prospects for Ukraine have become even more grim. Even as we prepare for continued turbulence in the world, these changes have profound implications for Singapore.]
11 自从俄乌战争爆发,新加坡便一直表示希望战争尽快止息,也希望双方能够以国际法和联合国宪章为基本准则,实现全面、公正和持久的和平。如果任何国家能够通过军事侵略迫使另一个国家放弃自己的主权和政治独立,这将为世界各国,尤其是小国,树立极其危险的先例。很不幸的,我们正在目睹的是国际规范式微、弱肉强食的森林法则抬头。各国保持独立自主的成本显著地增加了。这对许多国家来说,意味着痛苦的抉择和巨大的压力。例如一些曾经可以依靠由美国提供安防的盟友国,已经不得不考虑削减其他方面的开支,来增加安防方面的投入。
[English Translation: Singapore has consistently called for an expeditious end to the war between Russia and Ukraine, and for both sides to find a comprehensive, just, and lasting peace in accordance with international law and the United Nations Charter. The idea that military aggression can force a country to compromise on its sovereignty and political independence would set a dangerous precedent for countries worldwide, particularly small countries. Unfortunately, we are witnessing the weakening of international norms and the rise of the law of the jungle, or “might is right”. The price of national autonomy and self-determination has increased significantly. This means painful choices and immense pressure for many countries. For example, some allies of the US that had depended on American security guarantees are now grappling with cutting expenditure elsewhere to raise spending on defence.]
12 新加坡向来大力支持国际法,但是我们对国防的概念是务必自给自足,从不依赖他国买单。自独立以来,我们实行国民服役政策,在国防的投入向来介于国内生产总值的百分之3至6,可以说是下足了本钱。现在的国际局势说明,我国对于国防的谨慎态度是正确的。几天前,数位反对党议员还在质疑政府理财的方式,觉得财政盈余的存在意味着税收过多。放眼当下的国际局势,许多国家担心钱不够用,唯恐无法确保国家的安全,有哪个国家会嫌盈余过多?
[English Translation: Singapore has always been an ardent supporter of international law. But we have also believed in self-sufficiency in defence. We have never relied on others to take care of our security. Ever since independence, we have had National Service, and consistently spent between 3-6% of GDP on defence. We have invested fully in our own security. If anything, the global situation validates our prudent approach. A few days ago, some Opposition Members were questioning the Government’s budgeting approach in this House, suggesting that the presence of Budget surpluses equates excessive taxation. In today’s world, many countries are at risk of not having enough resources to secure themselves. Which country would complain of having surpluses?]
13 第三,新加坡应该如何应对眼前的局势?在过去的六十年,我国在经济、金融等领域取得了显著的成就。尽管我们的领土面积小、天然资源匮乏,但是我们凭借良好的经商环境和健全的法治等因素,发展成一个受他国信赖的合作伙伴和区域枢纽。面临如此动荡不安的国际局势以及逐渐碎片化的世界秩序,新加坡也并非一筹莫展。未雨绸缪,向来是新加坡治国的理念。相对平稳和和谐的国际局势虽然为我国的发展提供了良好的外部条件,但我们也从未奢望这种条件能够长久地持续下去。我们过去所做的种种准备,现在更显得具有实用的价值,也为我们在风雨中持续前行打下了一定的基础。
[English Translation: Third, how should Singapore navigate the current global situation? Over the past 60 years, Singapore has made significant achievements in our development. Despite our small size and lack of natural resources, we have developed into a trusted partner and regional hub by virtue of our good business environment and sound rule of law. Nevertheless, even in the face of such uncertainty and an increasingly fragmented world order, Singapore is not helpless. We have always believed in “preparing umbrellas before it rains”. While our development has benefited from a relatively stable and harmonious international environment, we have never counted on long-lasting favourable external conditions. The preparations we have made in the past are now clearly of practical value, and will serve us in good stead as we seek progress against headwinds.]
14 刚才已经提到,我们有保卫自己的能力,也有一定的资源储备。我们也致力于建立国民意识、维持内部团结。外部环境的变化将为我国社会带来新的挑战。国人或许会在全球事务方面产生意见上的分歧,我们也有可能面临旨在干预国内舆论的敌意信息宣传。对此,我们无论是通过颁布法令或者是加强公民教育,都做了一定的准备。我们必须加以警惕,防止社会分裂或极化,确保社会凝聚力不要受到冲击。我们仍旧可以发挥新加坡品牌的优势,保持我们作为一个靠得住、信得过的合作伙伴的良好声誉,增强与更多国家的联系,并与志同道合的国家携手合作,进行双边和多边合作,尽力维护与塑造全球规则和框架。经过多年的耕耘,我们与多个大国和大型经济体互动频密,也建立起了实质有效的合作平台,其中包括美国、中国、欧洲、印度等。我们也和包括马来西亚和印尼在内的邻近国家保持友好和频密的合作,并拥护以亚细安为中心的区域合作方针。在弱肉强食的世界里,我们更应该广交朋友,进一步巩固我国和各国之间良好深厚的合作关系。
[English Translation: I have mentioned earlier that we have built up the capability to defend ourselves, as well as the resources for a rainy day. We have also invested in building up our national identity and maintaining domestic cohesion. Changes in the external environment will present new challenges to our society. Singaporeans may have different views on global developments, and we may be subject to hostile information campaigns aimed at influencing domestic opinion. We have prepared for these eventualities by putting in laws and regulations, as well as national education. We must be vigilant to prevent social fragmentation or polarisation and ensure that social cohesion is not compromised. We can and should continue to leverage our good reputation as a consistent, reliable and trusted partner, to strengthen our links with more countries, and work with like-minded countries bilaterally and multilaterally to uphold and shape global rules and frameworks. Following many years of tending the garden, Singapore enjoys frequent interactions and benefits from substantive collaboration with major powers and major economies, including the US, China, Europe and India. We maintain friendly and close-knit collaboration with immediate neighbours, including Malaysia and Indonesia; and uphold ASEAN centrality in our engagement of the region. In a “might makes right” world, we should all the more broaden our network of friends, and deepen our positive collaboration with like-minded powers.
15 主席先生,世界越来越不太平。对于惯于未雨绸缪的新加坡来说,我们面临的也许是漫长的雨季。我们必须保持警惕、沉着应对,化解风险,并在快速变化的局势中寻找新的契机。谢谢,主席先生。
[English Translation: Madam Chair, the world is now a more dangerous place. It is the rainy day we have prepared for – perhaps a long rainy season. We need to stay vigilant and navigate with care, in order to seize new opportunities in fast-changing circumstances while mitigating risks. Thank you, Madam Chair.]
1 Mr Chair, I wish to thank the various members for filing cuts about MFA’s engagement with like-minded partners, and I believe these have been addressed in Minister Vivian’s and Minister Maliki’s earlier speeches. Mr Chairman, please allow me to address the questions on safeguarding Singapore’s interests on the international stage, our capacity-building efforts, consular assistance, and MFA’s engagement of Singaporeans.
2 Ms Poh Li San and Mr Liang Eng Hwa asked how Singapore stays ahead in emerging areas, and why we nominated Ambassador Rena Lee for the International Court of Justice (ICJ) candidature.
3 We remain actively engaged on emerging issues at multilateral fora like the United Nations (UN). Given the current geopolitical environment, it is critical that Singapore contributes to the advancement of international law through deeds. Ambassador Rena Lee is well-qualified with extensive experience in a wide range of international domains.
4 This is the first time Singapore has nominated someone for this position since we joined the UN. The elections will be keenly contested, but we will do our best to support Ambassador Lee, as we believe she will contribute significantly to the ICJ.
Technical cooperation
5 Mr Xie Yao Quan and Mr Desmond Choo have asked about Singapore’s capacity-building efforts. Supporting the human resource development of fellow developing countries through the Singapore Cooperation Programme (SCP) remains MFA’s priority.
6 Over the past 33 years, the SCP has trained more than 155,000 officials from more than 180 countries, territories and intergovernmental organisations. Over 50,000 officials were trained in our Singapore Cooperation Centres (SCCs) in Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam and Myanmar. We are committed to do more for Timor Leste under the SCP to help them prepare to join ASEAN. We also have technical assistance packages for members of the Forum of Small States which Minister Vivian had mentioned, and fellow small island developing countries.
7 Mr Desmond Choo and Mr Xie Yao Quan have asked about MFA’s consular assistance efforts.
8 Sir, Singaporeans are at the heart of MFA’s work. Last year, MFA handled more than 4,000 consular cases and facilitated more than 2,000 Documents of Identity for Singaporeans. Our Missions around the world extended assistance under difficult circumstances, for example, during the severe flooding in Hainan and the earthquake in Vanuatu.
9 Last year, we saw a 54 percent increase in the number of eRegistrants. We urge Singaporeans to continue to eRegister with us. We have improved the eRegister platform. We have also leveraged technology to help us deliver consular assistance more quickly and effectively.
Engaging Singaporeans
10 Ms Poh Li San, Ms Joan Pereira, Ms Rachel Ong, and Mr Gerald Giam have asked how we were engaging Singaporeans on foreign policy issues.
11 Sir, a strong, united society is the foundation for Singapore’s success. Foreign policy begins at home. By introducing foreign policy concepts early, we empower young Singaporeans to have an interest in Singapore’s approach to global issues. Even when views diverge, respectful dialogue is key. We aim to make foreign policy understandable, including through social media, and this is on top of the talks and dialogues that we already do. A shared sense of responsibility and vision ensures that we can face global challenges with confidence and cohesion.
12 Thank you.
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